Hot take: Books are better than people.

Our members select up to 3 new release hardcovers every month to be delivered to their doorstep.

Loved it, couldn’t put it down, confused by the ending? Spill all the tea on our app.

Reading collage

Our Official July '24 Selection

Choose up to 3 books every month from our meticulously curated selection. Taste the three star Michelin meal for your mind. 😜

Explore All Books

So, how does it work?

Discover the best of new releases from the comfort of your couch. The only thing easier is boxed mac and cheese 🧀

Mark your calendar

Step #1

Mark your calendar

The 1st of every month we announce 5-6 new releases within the following genres: contemporary fiction, literary fiction, thriller, mystery, historical fiction, romance + more!

Pick your books

Step #2

Pick your books

Make your monthly book selection in our app. Have more reading time this month? You can purchase up to 2 extra books (from ✨ANY✨ month!)

Receive your box

Step #3

Receive your box

Your box is delivered straight to your doorstep. Pro tip: Cats really like sitting in our boxes. Take a picture and tag us! #aardvarkbookclub (request applies to all manner of animal friends 🐈🐩🦜🐍)

Read, read, read!

Step #4

Read, read, read!

Time to read! At home, on the subway, upside down, with a snack, on a plane, in the bath. Whatever floats your boat. This is the best excuse to cancel your Friday night plans.

Share & discuss

Step #5

Share & discuss

Participate in trending community discussions or start one of your own. How did you interpret the ending? Is the villain really a victim in disguise? 🕵️‍♀️🔎

It's a bookstore & book club in your pocket!

Browse our library of books and the latest month’s picks while wearing your favorite sweats!

Build a box of up to 3 different books every single month! Again, wearing sweats if you please 😉

Participate in trending discussions or start one of your own … wearing sweats, because why not?! 🤣

The gift of books!

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View gift options


The cost of membership depends on geography. For our American members it’s $17.99 USD/month (accounts for 1 book) and $9.99 for each extra book. For our Canadian members it’s $25.99 CAD/month (accounts for 1 book) and $13.99 for each extra book. The cost of being in our hearts: $0.00. 💖

We ship to the USA 🇺🇸 and Canada 🇨🇦! Fun fact: Shipping is FREE!

We’re thrilled you want to join the Aardvark community! You can sign up for membership by downloading our mobile app. Simply create an account, add books to your account and place your first order to kickstart your membership. Download our iOS app here and download our Android app here. Alternatively, you can join via our NEW! web app here.

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